Friday, October 15, 2021

Anti-Spanking resource list

 5 most recommended sites (these are goldmines for arguments against spanking):

"20" Reasons NOT to Spank (""20" Reasons NOT to Spank" is the single best site, full of arguments against spanking and using the Bible.)

Project NoSpank

Project NoSpank external links (archived to fix dead links)

Why Not Train A Child?

The No Spanking Page

Robert Green Ingersoll on Corporal Punishment (1891)

Overlooked articles by ""20" Reasons NOT to Spank":

Does more spanking = less crime and delinquency?

What happens to kids if you don't spank?

Links for Christians:

Christians for Nonviolent Parenting

Christians for Nonviolent Parenting links

Fossey Faith Book: Paddling Children is Contrary to Catholic Values: Catholics Can Help Wipe Out Corporal Punishment in the Public Schools

Recommended videos (I consider these to be more like audio, as that there aren't any necessary visuals.)


Solutions: Peaceful Parenting

Stefan Molyneux:

The Science of Spanking! A Conversation with Dr. Elizabeth Gershoff

Why Spanking Does Not Work | Elizabeth Gershoff and Stefan Molyneux

Negative Effects of Spanking | Murray A. Straus and Stefan Molyneux

Ending Corporal Punishment | Robbyn Peters Bennett and Stefan Molyneux

Parenting Without Punishment - Dr Elizabeth Gershoff Interviewed

Study: Children Assaulted 936 Times Per Year!

Psychohistory In Perspective | A Conversation with Lloyd deMause

The Origins of War in Child Abuse | Lloyd deMause and Stefan Molyneux

The Origins of War in Child Abuse | Full Audiobook

Ryan Dawson:

Horrible Japanese Propaganda about Corporal Punishment

Exploring the Evangelical Justification of Spanking as Punishment | by Dani Fankhauser | The Salve | Medium

Spanking children: Why does it happen, and what are the effects?

Corporal punishment bans and physical fighting in adolescents: an ecological study of 88 countries

Parents have been spanking children for millennia. 50 years of scientific evidence says they were wrong. - Vox

Why Spanking High-School Students Is Dangerous | Live Science

When Is Spanking Child Abuse? - Motherlode Blog -

Is Spanking Best Used as a “Last Resort?” | The Common Room

The Spanking Debate Is Over | Psychology Today

5 myths of ‘Biblical spanking.’ Taking the text literally would land you in jail. | Religion News Service

Some Kids Are Never Spanked - Do They Turn Out Better?

Study Reveals Who Gets Spanked | Live Science

Debunking spanking myths: the truth about child discipline

10 Reasons Not to Hit Your Child | Ask Dr Sears

Parents Should Not Be Spanking Their Kids, and Here's Why | Parents

EMDC East - Behavioral Management: Responding to Arguments for Corporal Punishment

[PDF] The case against corporal punishment of children: Converging evidence from social science research and international human rights law and implications for U.S. public policy. | Semantic Scholar

More Harm Than Good: A Summary of Scientific Research on the Intended and Unintended Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children

Arguments Against Corporal Punishment in Schools - Opinion Front

Reaching out to all faiths and families to reduce corporal punishment

Corporal Punishment of Children in US Public Schools | HRW

Banning Corporal Punishment in Schools

Myths About Paddling-Corporal Punishment in Schools

Why It Hurts To Spank A Child

Experts: Corporal Punishment Harms Girls - Womens eNews

Spare the Rod, Spare the Child - The New Homemaker

Twenty Alternatives to Punishment by Aletha Solter, Ph.D. -

Spanking Children -

Study: Spanking kids leads to long-term bad behavior - CNN

The Consequences of “Consequences” -

Center for Effective Discipline - Zero Abuse Project

Amazon Customer Outcry Over Parenting Book Which Condones Corporal Punishment – Of 4 Month Old Babies | Researching Reform


National Youth Rights Organisation

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Endhitting USA

The Hitting Stops Here!

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